Pre-Emptive Program
The Personalized Pre-Emptive Program gives clinicians one holistic view across 15 of the most common chronic disease areas responsible for hospitalizations and readmissions.

Ideal tool for
preventing care
The program deploys a set of 14 health modules, or engines, each one covering one of the most common conditions resulting in hospitalization. It then continuously monitors a patient's health parameters against these 14 key disease areas.
It then reports on these areas while supplying treatment guidelines to prevent a patient's deterioration and rehospitalization. These medical guidelines include astructured workflow for nursing teams, which contains questionnaires and parameters that can be quickly checked.
The engines are able to work alongside one another in order to accurately monitor patients living with multiple co-morbidities.
Preventing deterioration
from chronic illness
Type 2 Diabetes
Heart Failure
Coronary artery disease
Ischemic Heart Failure
Atrial Fibrillation
Chronic Renal Failure
Urinary disorders
Parkinson's Disease
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder

The impact of the Personalized Pre-emptive Program can be measured across timescales:
Immediate - Screening
The initial screening process will allow for a direct impact on both health and cost improvements in hospitalization reduction, accurate test results, drug prescription costs .
Short-term - Monitoring
Monitoring and guided care allow normalization of care process with oncology and mental health illness reduction.
Long-term - Future deterioration and costs
Early detection of chronic diseases can reduce future health complications and high disability costs.