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    Preventing Avoidable
    Hospital Admissions

    While acute care clinicians' primary concern is to prevent deterioration and readmission of patients already requiring care, providers need to think more strategically.


    Preventing the
    development of diseases

    Preventing the development of diseases, chronic psychological and oncological, is a priority. By having access to the most accurate and timely data, those at the provider level can act quickly and intervene before costly hospitalization is required.

    Lavaa's suite of solutions represent the best early warning system available to ensure that indications springing from diagnostic tests can be acted on quickly and appropriately to ensure optimum patient outcomes.

    Early Detection

    The system can quickly and efficiently generate clinical prompts
    to identify a range of care needs, including:

    Early Detection of Tumours

    Diet and Nutrition Changes

    Changes to personalized care plans

    Medication reviews

    Urgent Referrals

    Escalation Procedures

    Recommendations to use CPAP machines

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