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About Lavaa

Lavaa was created with one goal in mind: To improve as many lives as possible by preventing chronic illness and reducing needless hospitalizations.

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Our Story

In 2014, our founder Adam tragically lost his mother-in-law to ovarian cancer. The physicians delivering her care told Adam that her prognosis would have been much better had they been able to detect the cancer sooner.

This painful reality, experienced by millions of families across the globe each year, motivated Adam and his trusted colleagues, including Izhak Lax, Nicky Lieberman M.D., a pioneer in the creation of Israel's preventive care system, to create a solution to make both the prevention and detection of life-changing illnesses easier, faster and less costly.


From Insight
to Action

Lavaa offers medical professionals, health care leaders and payers a holistic view of each patient's present condition and their risk of developing a serious long-term illness in future.

It then uses this insight to provide decision support to clinicians, empowering them to make the necessary changes to a patient's care to avoid needless hospitalization. It then frees up the care professionals' time to devote to much-needed acute care.

The platform achieves this by combining powerful artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities with rules-based modules to examine over 1,000 different data parameters relevant to a patient's health and ongoing care.

We call these modules 'engines'. Each one of our 30 proprietary engines detects a unique chronic condition, and then guides the necessary care to achieve the best outcome for the patient.

These engines cover a breadth of physical and mental health conditions, including: Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Dementia, Depression, Diabetes, Endometriosis, Hypertension, Ovarian Cancer and Urinary Tract Infections (UTI).

The work of creating new engines to cover ever greater numbers of conditions never stops, ensuring that we are able to help as many people as possible to live their best lives.


Enhanced Clinical

These engines are built using medical protocols created under the guidance of Dr Nicky Lieberman, a world-renowned expert in personalized medicine.

Lavaa's approach enables predictive modeling, monitoring and prevention of a wide range of chronic conditions and cancers.

Our system is based around three core solutions:

  • Personalized Preemptive Program

  • Risk Assessment System

  • Integrated Alerting Engine


Reducing Health
Care Costs

As life expectancy continues to increase across the developed world, long-term care needs are becoming ever more complex.

Today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that 60% of Americans are affected by at least one chronic disease. Against this unsustainable backdrop, greater resources are required for diagnostic care to meet this soaring level of demand.

In creating Lavaa, our mission is also to help providers and payers fulfil a moral need to reduce costs in order to ensure theirorganizations are able to provide financially sustainable care to patients, while yielding the most value to wider society.

Benefit your community

The power to more easily prevent the most serious, life-changing conditions is now in your hands.

How can Lavaa benefit?

How to use for you?

Learn more about how different types of clients can make use of Lavaa to improve care, lower healthcare costs and bring innovative new treatments to patients.

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