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Another busy month here at Lavaa, and we are happy to have you here to hear all about it. We have quite a few updates, so without further ado:

Succeeding the launch of one of our pilots in the US, our core team held a series of meetings and showcased Lavaa to potential clients and key leaders in the industry, among them Nationwide Healthcare, a variety of hospitals management staff, nursing home owners and Andrew H Gross.

We are delighted to report these meetings were fruitful and positive. We will be able to share more soon.

On another news, following the success of the Israel delegation to Finland, our president and co-founder Izhak Lax, participated in the Finland and Israel Digital Health Networking Event, hosted at the Pearl Cohen offices in Tel Aviv.

This event allowed us to continue our very promising communication with many interesting Finnish health companies and research facilities. We are looking forward to taking this to the next stage. Stay tuned!

Last but certainly not least, our CEO and co-founder, Adam Amitai, was just named among the “Top 50 most promising CEOs in HealthTech”. Read the interview Adam gave to Technology Innovators Media Group LLC here.

We will update all of our supporters on our social media and the next LAVAA issue, so stay tuned!

All of us at Lavaa want to wish our supporters and followers Shana Tova and Chag Sameach. May this year be a year
of good health and prosperity to us all.

We welcome and encourage you to request a demo of the LAVAA platform here

We have new and exciting things all the time, so make sure to check out our LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as well.

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